Brianna Bear is well known in the place to smoke herring lands for their beautiful art cards. She has a range of cards that display her art work in a way that speaks to the heart. Each card includes a story in the back, to ensure whoever you may be sending it to, knows the story as well as the artist who designed them.
If you are interested in purchasing cards please go to the contact section of the website to make an inquiry about whether she does have the designs avaiable or if she can get them in. For orders 50 or more they will need to be ordered in, that can take a week to two weeks at most.
Card designs
Camas Flower Design
Lekwungen'athun Design

StqéyÉ™ Paddle ‘Wolf Paddle’ Design
Seal Design
Stinging Nettle Design
Dandelion Design
Mint Design
Devils Club Design
Nootka Rose Design
Resistance is Love Design
Traditional Foods Design
(Corn and Saskatoon Berries)
Working Together Design
Hummingbird Design